Almost 2 decades after cannabis was first legalized for medical purposes, it is currently the subject of attention across the healthcare industry. From ‘practical’ uses in medical studies to ‘potential’ uses in treatment of untapped diseases, the substance is at the fore of several breakthrough concepts. Although recreational uses dominate the list of cannabis applications, the emphasis on medical applications will lead will add further uses.
An ‘Obvious’ Anti-depressant
The term ‘cannabizsmoke’ is used to denote numerous psychoactive composites of the famous ‘Cannabis Sativa’ plant. Truth be told, cannabis is used more in recreational activities than medical activities. As per statistics provided by the WHO, cannabis dominates the list of ‘illicit’ drugs used by people across the world. The total active cannabis consumers account for nearly 200 million. The illicit status is derived from a few of the adverse effects of marijuana, including impairment of cognitive functions, lung inflammation, and the most common of them all: memory loss.
Contrary to negative effects, use of cannabis in a controlled manner adds up to some exceptional benefits. The drug is prescribed as an anti-depressant for patients undergoing surgeries or extreme pain. It has proven benefits in therapeutic applications and can be used to nullify or minimize ‘pain’ in patients. Use of cannabis as an antidepressant in patients suffering from asthma and glaucoma certainly adds to the list of exceptional medical benefits. Unfortunately, cannabis consumption is more common among teenagers and adults, and is mostly used in high amount for fun or recreation.
The Downside: Heavy Recreational Use is Restraining Legalization
Acute and chronic health effects are primary reasons why cannabis is not being fully accepted by all cultures. Even in countries where it is legalized, individual consumption and possession is limited to a certain amount. In major states such as Ohio, an individual can legally possess under 100 gm of cannabis. This amount drops in a few other states, with limited uses ranging from 5 gm to 100 gm. The adverse effects of cannabis have contributed to the downside. The concerns regarding excess cannabis use have originated from their adverse effects on the human body. Conditions such as impairment in mental conditions, memory losses, and other psychotic effects are main reasons why this drug is not fully accepted and legalized by more countries.
Can Cannabis Actually Cure Cancer!?
Although no form of cannabis is medically approved for treatment of cancer, several breakthrough concepts have supported the potential benefits. In recent years, several companies have come out with personal theories, claiming cannabis can play a major part in treatment of cancer. Many have gone on to make bolder suggestions by stating medical cannabis can help restrict growth of cancer cells and subsequently stop the tumour from spreading. Despite all claims, there is nothing definite to support the use of cannabis in cancer. What’s worse is; organizations as the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) have issued severe warnings against the use of medical cannabis in cancer treatment. Although there have been some instances where cannabis has limited cancer cell growth, there is still hesitancy among law enforcers.
Fragile Claims and Flaky Evidence: Practical Cannabis Use Is Not Happening Anytime Soon
If you’ve learnt anything from the pessimism regarding the use of cannabis in this article, the only thing certain is that cannabis is nowhere close to being in full commercial use. Weak evidences are just an obvious indication of the risks associated with its use. Altogether, it is bad news for all the potheads out there. The ‘established’ risks of cannabis use have overpowered ‘potential’ benefits. Organizations such as the American Cancer Society and the FDA have demanded more scientific research. On the flipside, none of these major governing bodies have completely ridiculed the medical use of cannabis. On a brighter note, a neutral prospective will bode well for the overall cannabis market. Based on extensive research methods, has predicted that the global cannabis market will near the $100 billion mark by the end of 2026.